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The Vibrant Hive
Coaching & Mentoring

Navigate Life Like Bees &

Create a Vibrant, Thriving Hive 

In a vibrant hive, bees live in harmony & work together to create sweet, golden honey.

In a vibrant family, members connect, communicate productively, and each person thrives. With quality interactions, there's reduced stress, tension, and conflict, authentic connection, and improved health and well-being. Relationships improve, needs are met, and the hive thrives. If the old approach you've been using isn't working as well as you wish, find out how to shift to something better with The Vibrant Hive® Method, a self-coaching communication model that's transforming hives.  

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"Taking people inward to discover a path onward."

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Create a Thriving Hive, One Conversation at a Time

Making improvements isn't about making big, daunting changes. It's about making small shifts that add up to the changes you desire. 


Navigate your life with more ease. Learn how to approach  conversations and relationships with an approach that makes it possible to reduce stress and enjoy the path to reaching  goals. 


The Vibrant Hive Method of Communication is a self-coaching communication model that's taught during workshops and is used as a foundation for coaching sessions. The unique approach employs the wisdom of bees to transform conversations which impact all other aspects of the hive.

Show up wholeheartedly & enjoy your hive life.

Shift to High Coherence & Live the Life You Planned

Monica does sessions and workshops, and partners with private groups, behavioral health centers, and schools to give talks.

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Whether you're starting  a new chapter with a move, have become  an  empty nester,  or just started a new family, you deserve support, encouragement  and self-coaching tools to help you get through this season of change.

Monica Binger

Authentic Leadership Coach  |  Relationship Coach  |  Parent Coach  |  Life Coach   
Specializing in Self-Coaching, Communication, & Relationship Dynamics

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Communication Coach. Thought Coach.  

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